our Company’s philosophy on the Corporate Governance is founded upon a rich legacy of fair and transparent governance practices which are essentially aimed at ensuring transparency in all dealings and hence seeks to focus on enhancement of long-term shareholder value without compromising on integrity, social obligations and regulatory compliances.
Company’s Philosophy on Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance Practice
The Company’s Corporate Governance practices seek to go beyond the regulatory requirements and with a view to ensuring commitment to transparent, law abiding behaviour and good Corporate Governance, the Company has put in place the following practices:-
Code of Conduct: The Company’s Code of Conduct is based on the principle that business should be conducted in a professional manner with honesty, integrity and law abiding behaviour and thereby enhancing the reputation of the Company. The Code ensures lawful and ethical conduct in all affairs and dealings of the Company.
Business Policies: The Business Policies of Company ensures transparency and accountability to its stakeholders. The policies provide motivation and support for professional development of employees, fair market practices and high level of integrity in financial reporting. The policies recognize Corporate Social Responsibility of the Company and also seek to promote health, safety and quality of environment.
Prohibition of Insider Trading: The Code on prevention of Insider Trading, which applies to the Board Members and all officers and employees, seeks to prohibit trading in the securities of the Company based on unpublished price sensitive information. Trading window remains closed so long unpublished price sensitive information is not made public.
Risk Management: The Company has developed and implemented a comprehensive risk management policy for risk identification, assessment and minimization procedure. The risk management procedures are clearly defined and periodically reviewed by the Board of Directors with a view to strengthening the risk management framework and to continuously review and reassess the risk that the Company may confront with.
Environment Policy: The Company is committed to conducting its business in a manner that values the environment and helps to ensure the safety and health of all its employees and society at large. The policy is aimed towards strengthening pollution prevention and control measures.
Equal Employment Opportunity: The employment policy of the Company assure that there shall be no discrimination or harassment against an employee or applicant on the grounds of race, colour, religion, sex, age, marital status, disability, national origin, or any other factor made unlawful by applicable laws and regulations. The policy also ensures fair and respectful treatment of all fellow employees.